An exclusive Series Webinar

How to Interpret Dreams and Visions

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January 22nd
12:00 EST
Series Schedule

Jan 22

12:00 EST

How to Interpret Dreams and Visions, Part 3


Here's What You'll Learn In This Class:

Biblical protocol and framework for understanding God's messages to you

The Bible gives us the framework for all accurate interpretation of dreams and visions. If God is speaking to you in dreams and visions, you must be careful to interpret what He says within proper protocol and framework. In this class, Jamie will teach you Biblical protocol and framework so you can interpret dreams and visions accurately with Holy Spirit's help--and even how to discern whether a dream is from God or not.

Danger zones to avoid, so you won't get trapped in false prophecies

Certain kinds of "prophecies" from dreams and visions are false and unbiblical. We'll talk about what these danger zones are, and checks and balances that will help you avoid them.

Meanings of dream structures and personal dream languages

God tends to place specific structures in dreams as a way of "signing" them, to show you that they are from Him. Additionally, He will speak to you using your own personal dream language. In this webinar series, you will learn how He signs His dreams, and how He also "addresses" them specifically to you, using your own personal dream language.

Biblical meanings of numbers, colors, and symbols in dreams

Every number, color, and symbol has a meaning in a dream. Interpret the symbol wrongly, and you interpret the dream wrongly. In this webinar series, you'll learn Biblical interpretation of dozens if not hundreds of symbols. You'll also learn how to understand the meanings of unknown symbols for yourself in the future.


About Jamie Rohrbaugh

Jamie Rohrbaugh is the founder and CEO of From His Presence, a global ministry dedicated to reaching the world with the good news of Jesus Christ. She is the author of over 40 books, including her latest collections of prayer tools, The Way Forward: 10 Prayers for Your Journey Into the Promised Land, 21 Days to Strengthen Your Faith, Wind of Heaven and New Season. She seeks to equip you to carry God’s manifest glory everywhere you go.

Jamie's work has been published by YouVersion Bible Plans, Give Him 15, Intercessors for America, The Elijah List,, and various other ministry outlets. Her podcast, Take Your Territory with Jamie Rohrbaugh, is available on your favorite streaming app. You can download her free prayer tool, Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them in Prayer and Worshiphere

Jamie holds a BA in Spanish from the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. She also holds a Master's in Biblical Studies from Berea Bible Institute & Seminary. She resides in Tennessee and enjoys reading, tennis, quilting, and getting outdoors in nature with her family.

January 22nd
12:00 EST